Inspiring words®

Insurance translations, contracts, Geneva, Switzerland



Premium translations for insurance companies


The insurance industry has an important role in the Swiss economy and financial sector. It is also among the leading industries in terms of growth. Our client portfolio includes large insurance companies and we have developed specific teams to respond to the needs of the sector. Our linguists have significant local competence in various branches of insurance, thereby guaranteeing maximum accuracy and industry-specific terminology.

Our translation services cover all insurance segments including liability and legal, home and vehicle, life insurance, health insurance and pension plans and funds. With our expertise and industry specialists in Switzerland and on worldwide markets, we deliver expert translations in all major languages for insurance companies such as CSS Insurance, Visana, Helsana or Groupe Mutuel.

FINVERBUS Translations offers an array of customised language services covering the following:

     Accident insurance (UV)
     Family allowances
     Federal Occupational Pensions Act (BVG)
     Federal Accident Insurance Act (UVG)
     Fund for loss of earned income (EO)
     Disability insurance (DI)
     General Conditions of Insurance
     Health Insurance Act (HIA)
     Home insurances
     Insurance Policies Act (IPA)
     Insurance policies and contracts
     Insurance Supervision Act
     Liability insurances
     Life insurances
     Occupational Old Age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Pension Provision (OPA)
     Occupational pension plan (OP)
     Old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI)
     Old-age pensions
     Pension plans and pension funds
     Policy documents
     Reports and claims
     Social insurance
     State pension scheme (1st pillar), occupational pension scheme (2nd pillar) and private pension plan (3rd pillar)
     Supplementary benefit (EL)
     Vehicle insurances
     Unemployment insurance (ALV)

FINVERBUS Translations is a trusted provider of translations and interpreters for insurance companies. We offer high-quality language services with guaranteed confidentiality and fast turnaround. Please contact us for more information on our insurance language services.